Me & the shop dog (nope, he's afraid of noise) getting ready for the portable mill

Where Does Furniture Come From?

It reminds me of the question kids sometimes ask their parents, “hey mom, where does milk come from?” The mother promptly answers, “from the grocery store son”, yes, well at some point it does. I think the same is probably true with furniture. I think we don’t take time to explain to kids where things that are built come from either. And while you can go buy the wood (which is ok) or you can get it reclaimed (I like that option too) it is even more fun if you can see the wood go thru the entire process from being cut to finished product.

I’m on a mission to do MORE of that. It’s not the easiest way to build furniture, but it can certainly be a process that can give you a very sentimental connection with the finished piece. Say you want a dining table and you have a tree that you think is right for the job. Maybe that tree is on a family farm and needs to be cut anyway. While it takes a little longer for some air drying and then the kiln process, it ultimately has more meaning to know where the wood came from. If you’re looking for a project like that for your home or business, let me know, I’m ready to go to work!